“For many years, we have worked to develop an innovative concept to simplify the treatment of narrow ridges. Today, we are pleased to announce that the research and development of this project have led to the creation of a revolutionary implant that allows for a minimally invasive treatment and a predictable solution for horizontal bone defects. We hope that clinicians will appreciate the REX PiezoImplant system, which can simplify implant placement in bone ridges smaller than 6 mm, using an innovative technology applied to the extraordinary surgical and clinical features of PIEZOSURGERY®.”
Prof. Tomaso Vercellotti – Dr. Alberto Rebaudi
Narrow ridges? Problem solved.
REX PiezoImplant welcomes a new era in the world of implantology, making it possible to successfully tackle the problem of narrow ridges.
This new implant has an innovative wedge-shaped form and is inserted into a rectangular site that perfectly matches the anatomy of the residual ridge, thereby preserving vascularisation and protecting the vestibular bone size.
The benefits of the wedge-shaped implant
The wedge-shaped cross-section of REX PiezoImplant, compared to traditional implants, is better at adapting to the anatomy of patients, thus making it possible to avoid surgeries to increase bone volume.
A new paradigm in implantology
REX PiezoImplant, with its rectangular cross-section, protects the vestibular bone size by perfectly matching the anatomy of the residual ridge.
Thanks to its limited thickness, this new implant preserves vascularisation, even in the narrowest ridges.
A minimally invasive surgery for the benefit of the clinician and the patient...
Clinical rationale
The ridge bone thickness, the minimum needed for the placement of an implant, should leave a residual bone wall of at least 1 mm, on the vestibular and lingual sides. If a ridge is 4 mm thick, it can only house a traditional 2 mm implant, which is completely unsuitable for a prosthetic load.
What happens when the ridge thickness is less than 4 mm?
REX PiezoImplant, which is 1.8 mm thick, makes it possible to manage even a narrow ridge correctly. The alternative is to use surgical procedures to increase the bone volume with:
- surgical risks
- clinical complications
- time and costs
- patient morbidity
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