starlight uno

starlight uno Polymerisationslampe


A cordless LED curing lamp for flexible use that can be taken from one room to the other. Thanks to its high performance level and the long-lasting lithium-ion battery, it will run for 240 cycles of 10 seconds each in succession. Its output can be checked thanks to the built-in radiometer. starlight uno can be relied on to harden a 2-mm thick layer in only 10 seconds and is extremely light (only 77 g). It provides a choice between two operating modes: “Fast-Curing” and “Slow Rise” (soft start).

  • starlight uno handpiece
  • starlight uno charger
  • optical protection
  • starlight uno - white
  • starlight uno - yellow
  • starlight uno - grey
  • starlight uno - turquoise
  • starlight uno - light blue
  • starlight uno -violet



starlight lamps are effective on camphoroquinone, used as photoinitiator in 98% of the materials on the market. They emit light on a wave-length comprised between 440 nm and 480 nm with a peak at 460 nm.

camphoroquinone absorption spectrum


  • „Fast“ mode: 10 seconds at maximum light intensity, with acoustic signal at the beginning and at the end of the cycle
  • „Slow rise“ mode: 20 seconds with a progressive increase of the light intensity reaching the peak within the first 3 seconds, one acoustic signal after 10 seconds and one at the end of the cycle

graph starlight pro operating modes


it does not require a fan as it develops no heat – silent



the smooth, continuous and compact surface enables perfect disinfection



constant light power regardless the charge level



the double acoustic signal is activated when the battery is still sufficient for 6 cycles