Before beginning the session, a pre-rinse for 1 minute with H2O2 1.5% and chlorhexidine 0.20% is recommended to reduce the bioburden. This reduces the patient’s bioburden by upto 70%.

Reduce the aerosol by using the device intermittently: properly regulate the ratio between the vibration power and the spray of the irrigating solution.

Use double aspiration: aspiration with standard cannula and High-Speed Aspiration (HSA) to reduce the spread of potentially contaminated aerosols in the air by up to 95% - High Volume Evacuation system.

It is recommended to use a labial retractor connected to an aspiration system...

...or an extraoral suction system positioned near the oral cavity.

Keep the aspiration terminals as close as possible to the treatment area to minimize aerosols.



  1. For biofilm or non-calcified plaque, reduce the power and irrigation level of the ultrasound devices (Fig. 1).
  2. If possible, use a device that can precisely regulate both the water supply and the range of movement of the insert in order to minimize the production of aerosol. Where possible, it’s recommended to use the SOFT MODE function (Fig. 2+3).



The pipes and all parts of the irrigation circuit are made of a material that is compatible with the main clinical solutions and the liquids generally used for the treatments included in the intended use of the device, such as:

  • Water (distilled, demineralised, potable)
  • Saline solution 0.9%• Chlorhexidine < 0.3%
  • Ethyl alcohol < 1.5%
  • Citric acid < 5%
  • Povidone-iodine < 12%

CAUTION: DO NOT USE the following as disinfectants:

  • highly alkaline products (pH > 9)
  • products containing hydrogen peroxide
  • products containing abrasive substances
  • products containing aldehydes, amides and/or phenols, acetone or methyl ethyl ketone.

They can dechlorinate and/or damage plastic materials.The manufacturer, Mectron, shall not be held responsible for any damage caused byclinicians’ use of the aforementioned substances.


Reduce the application time as much as possible.

Use table top devices which are able to optimally regulate the spray of water/powders/compressed air.

When treating periodontal pockets up to 5 mm depth it’s recommended to use the 120° nozzle with Glycine Powder, directing the spray inside the periodontal pocket.

When treating periodontal pockets deeper than 5 mm it’s recommended to use the PERIO nozzle with a Subgingival Perio Tip with Glycine Powder, inserting the tip into the periodontal pocket.

In the supragingival areas, use powders containing micronised sodium bicarbonate or calcium carbonate, which are ideal for hard and soft supragingival tissues and restoration materials.
These powders are capable to remove bacterial biofilms and pigmentations in a shorter application time.

Choose powders suitable for the area to be treated and for the clinical need. Avoid using sprays of powders/water/compressed air for long periods of time so as to limit the amount of aerosol produced.


It is recommended that the handpiece be inclined as shown in the figures below to avoid any splatter and to reduce the risk of dispersion of potentially contaminated material and therefo repotential infection.
The air-polisher handpiece must be kept 3-4 mm from the tooth surface and inclined at 60° from the vestibular and lingual surfaces of the anterior teeth.

The occlusal surfaces must be treated by holding the nozzle of the air-polisher handpiece at a 90° angle from the occlusal surface.

The nozzle of the air-polisher handpiece must be kept at an angle of 80° from the vestibular and lingual/palatine surfaces of the posterior teeth, while remaining 3-4 mm from the tooth surface.

The patient should have their head turned all the way to the right or left, based on which side is to be treated. This positioning allows for optimal access to the areas to be treated, the retraction of the buccal mucosa or tongue and the simultaneous evacuation of aerosol spray.

NOTE: Incorrect positioning of the air-polisher handpiece entail higher risk.

The incorrect angle of the handpiece nozzle may cause refl ux splatter, with consequent excessive production of aerosol or may not allow for proper irrigation, with an accumulation of powder and suboptimal treatment. A 90° angle causes the powder to disperse on both sides and increases the aerosols and the risk of infection.


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